Currently MEDPLANT occupies a strong position on the market of medical equipment for emergency medical service (AMS), providing all Russian regions and CIS countries with own production, such as pilings mobile teams of SMP, devices and kits for carrying out breathing manual ventilation, mechanical aspirators, portable transport monitors, and pulse oximeters, cold boxes, tires and collars, folding reusable and disposable, frameless stretcher, for emergency and first medical aid for a variety of applications (for patrol cars of traffic police, in rural villages, passenger trains, Railways, spectromety, etc.).
Scope of products, all kinds of emergency medical aid in all its forms and at all stages in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation" No. 323-FZ dated 21.11.2011 and regulations. In accordance with the above documents customers and potential customers of our products are services and institutions of the Ministry of health (emergency, urgent and emergency care, all outpatient clinics, hospitals, medical unit, outpatient clinics, medical centers, Physicians, medical offices and salons), and various departments (power, EMERCOM, Ministry of transport, Russian Railways and others) and municipal structures.
Under quality we understand:
- stable and reliable performance in different climatic and environmental conditions, under mechanical stress and limited power resources;
- usability and usability staff (availability, review and speed of deployment equipment, the length of the cables, convenient multi-language menus and signs, etc.);
- All development, including the stages of the preliminary and engineering design, as well as the development of mass production, the company performs on its own without outsourcing. However, it is widely used cooperation with specialized industries such as foundry, mechanical, sewing, electronic, working on our drawings or on our technological equipment.
Actually, the production is a Assembly shop, working on the principle of "screwdriver" Assembly. Provided operational control, control of incoming parts and components and finished products control. Judging by the increasing demand for our production, we are on the right track.
Currently, MEDPLANT occupies a firm position in the market of medical equipment for emergency medical care (SMP), providing all regions of Russia, as well as the CIS countries with products of its own production, namely: stowage of mobile teams of SMP, devices and kits for manual ventilation, mechanical aspirators, transport portable monitors and pulse oximeters, thermal containers, tires and collars, folding reusable and disposable, stretchers frameless, kits for emergency and first aid for various applications (for traffic police patrol cars, for rural settlements, for passenger trains of Russian Railways, for special applications, etc.).
- the shortest terms of order fulfillment,
- flexible terms of payment and shipment,
- high quality and reliability,
- aid customers in selecting the optimal set of equipment and the implementation of projects
- additional discounts and bonuses for repeat wholesale orders.
Company "MEDPLANT" is licensed by the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation on the production of medical equipment, is a member of the Guild of small enterprises of Moscow, a member of the Association of manufacturers of medical equipment "Asmedia", actively involved in professional national and international exhibitions, conferences, symposia, has many patents and awards.